This page includes a list of exchange members. This is not an exhaustive list, it only includes members of the exchange fabric. Many other peers exist in the facilities the exchange inhabits. For more complete information, please look to peeringdb.


Member ASN
Hivelocity Ventures Corporation AS29802
WOW! AS12083
CFH Cable Inc AS394109
Rapid Systems Corporation AS21889
Netflix AS2906
USF AS5661
PBX-Change AS22549
CloudFlare AS13335
Myakka Communication AS16803
Packet Clearing House AS42
Packet Clearing House AS3856
Verisign AS7342
Online Technology Exchange AS32494
Lawton Information Services AS16927
Facebook AS32934
BBOI / 365 DataCenters AS19151
Hivelocity AS29802
Hurricane Electric AS6939
Airwave Networks Incorporated AS63383
Hotwire Communications AS23089
CloudFlare AS13335
CloudFlare AS13335